at laaaasttt.....
I've been thinking for a long time about getting this dress. Yesterday i found it, just one left. I HAD to buy it. And i was so worth it..
What a night. Had so much fun last night, i feel good. But im not going to sit here all day, in a few minutes im going to meet a friend.
New lovers
Found these in the shoe jungle. Think i'm going to wear them when we go to Metaltown. It's only one month left to the festival by the way. I feel good about it
My hero. She's such a strong and smart woman. She's the queen of my heart. IM PROULD OF HER! SO MUCH. I love you mum! We went out and ate dinner to celebrate that she got TOP grades and worked so hard.
Playing and laughing!
Vicente youre the most awfull teacher i know, but we always have fun.
Peace out..
Luna Sea's song Looper is a gift from above
Fierce. This song is incredibly hot. The history behind how I actually found this japanese band is very interesting. This band wa formed back in the 80's or something. But yet they've managed to convey something really NEW and cool about this song. I really like it. This song is almost better live.
good stuff.
Sitting here listening to Gorillaz and thinking about how uncredibly neat their image really is. Wicked music, cool lyrics. Really cool style. Something else.
Never ever underestimate how great your life is
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Never ever underestimate how great your life is. Someone somewhere..would love to be in your shoes.
La Paz
Always carry it with you.
"rauhoitu, kaikki on hyvin"
want something done in this world? fucking do it yourself..
So pissed. So fucking pissed right now..
people = shit
The sun will never Black City
21 Maj 17:53 im so fucking bored
What to do
Kelis > always a star in my eyes
Kelis Rogers
Kelis Rogers is an American R&B singer-songwriter born born August 21, 1979. She grew up in the Harlem neighbourhood of NY. Her style is really cool. I listen to R&B now and then. The R&B today isn't what it used to be back in the 90's. But I really love Kelis, always have. She's hot. She looked so hardcore and fashion when she cut her hair. But when she started to roll with Nas the rapper she became different. She like...faded away? She got in to trouble, went to jail and stuff. But I like her style anyway. My favorite songs by Kelis is definitely: Bossy, Trick Me, In Public and 80's joint. Haven't you heard them check them out.
well..this was fun
When I came home today I had restless legs and I was worried that I would have like nothing to do today. But my dad bought pizza and we were chilling in front of the TV. Eating pizza and watching How I met your mother.. kind of fun hanging out with my dad. I also made a new header today..not so interessting but what ever.
Beautiful day
I feel so torn. Fucking hate's so frustrating to feel low when everybody else feels the opposite. I'm feeling torn..Some relatives of mine doesn't seem to care about me anymore. We are not as close as we used to and maybe that's life, but I don't want it to be like this. One is never returning my calls and never keeps in touch and just keeps ignoring me. The other one is embaressed to have me in her life for some reason..and she doesn't think that we can be friends because i'm not 100% like her. It feels like i'm back in 7th grade again. So pathetic...and this is why i'm feeling torn. Two of my nicest friends are out of my life. I'm doing the best I can to not beat myself up and think that this is my fault. There is nothing wrong with me..but sometimes I really need to hear that from another person than myself.
Sue, you always listen. I'm really grateful :)
Me and some friends are going to Metaltown. I'm looking forward to it.. It's going to be fierce. An old friend of mine is also going, we haven't seen eachother since like...2003..or something. Damn i'm so psyked. See you there!!
Ledig idag. Ska åka till Outletten med mamma senare idag. Jag har inte varit där sen förra året. Det var fortfarande snö på marken då. Perra stack till sitt plugg för några timmar sedan. Nu sitter jag här med en chai och funderar över en grej. Har massor av utländska vänner och dem ber mig hela tiden att översätta texten på min blogg eftersom vissa följer den. Jag borde kanske börja skriva på engelska också. En del bloggare gör det så att en större del människor kan förstå och ta del av bloggen. Hell yeah, from now on i'm going to write in english most of the time..
Thank's for reading this.
Special thank's to Ellen, Mikako and Sue!!
Idag har jag bloggat i 1 månad. congratz!
långhelg. så skönt
Jag hade en trevlig valborg. Var hos en gammal klasskompis som hade fest ihop med sin storesyrra, så det var en salig blandning med härliga människor. Klockan 23.30 ringer min mobil och jag svarar, en kompis var påväg hem ifrån en fest och kunde knappt stå på benen. Ofcourse i'm helping a sister out.. Jag var tvungen att gå direkt typ. Var jättekul annars. Det löste sig med min kompis, så inga problem. Idag vaknade jag av att det var 20 grader i mitt rum, varmt. Jag typ slängde på mig bikinin och gick ut och solade gärnet. Vad ska man göra i kväll då..